my room英语作文小学五年级

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my room英语作文小学五年级

  在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?以下是小编为大家整理的my room英语作文小学五年级,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

my room英语作文小学五年级

my room英语作文小学五年级1

  12 years old, I have a belong to my own room, here is my independence heaven and earth, and it is not luxury, no gorgeous moving adornment, also not enough capacious, only a study and bedroom simply as one of the world. But I love it so much.

  My first impression of entering the hut was warmth. The right of pure white walls, indeed, quite simple but elegant, the brown wood floors, gentle warmth, tonal collocation is the most harmonious, added a lot of warmth to my little world, let a person, even in cold winter does not feel cold climate.

  In the cottage, my mood is always smooth. Sky blue curtain, reminiscent of infinite broad as well as the pure blue of the sky, the sea "sea rich by diving, the day for the birds fly", in my room, I have this feeling. Even when the clouds were outside, my room was still clear.

  When I go to school in the morning, I say "goodbye" to it. The cottage seems to be laughing and greeting me with a sweet voice, "happy today!" Returning from school in the evening, it greeted my return with a smile on my face, giving me the warmest comfort in a day of hard work. Open the window, the window is bright starlight, poetic daihatsu, I can freely sing a few words of poem, have ready-made works, have their own casual creation, either way, my heart will overflow sweet ripples, feel the greatest happiness of life. Then sit down in front of the desk, twist the lamp, and let the warm light fill the room. When I open a book, it is like opening a door to knowledge and swimming in the infinite world. Even if I study late at night, I don't need to worry about anyone interfering with me. My parents will always support me when they see the light in my little room and know that I am working.

  Home have a guest come to visit, I will ask my friend to small sit for a while, in the room in the world of the independent, we seemed to be far away from the noise of the earth, can talk quietly, can exchange learning experience, and even turned on the computer to play a wonderful game, relax the tension of body and mind.

  The hut was a good friend of my life. When I have achieved little success, it has told me in silence that I should try again to see the lack of glory. When I encounter a setback, it tells me in silence that "failure is the mother of success" and that the effort of sweat pays off in the day.

  I love my hut, my life is better because of it!

my room英语作文小学五年级2

  I have a room of my own.

  It's a room with a small window, a small cabinet, and a small desk.

  But I wish my room were more wonderful.

  I hope that my room is a bus car, I'm the driver, very proud, to travel around China, you can see lots of scenery, the miaofeng mountains, mountains, maybe still can see the Terra Cotta Warriors!

  I also hope that my room is a gourmet world, wall is bread, the window is compressed biscuits, chair is made of chocolate bars, trash can will be hollow biscuit, so I can and my good friends share Zhang Yukun, Thomson.

  I want my room to be a geological museum. I wake up every day to see the golden stone and the jade... And, in the daytime, there is a sea of people, and a lot of sweat and rain.

  My best hope is that my room is a mobile room, where I can play ping-pong, squeeze the dough...

  Suddenly, "Yang one dust, answer the telephone!" , a voice make me from fantasy to reality, I returned to the house after pick up the phone, wanted to think, I like my room or, here, I can play, can be a fantasy.

  My room imagined composition four: my imaginary room (357 words)

  I imagine a room flying like a high-tech spaceship. I like my spaceship, it's my heaven.

  It has 20 square meters, a large glass window and two pink curtains on the window. Below is my bed, teems with its features, the head of a bed of red, yellow, and blue three buttons, press the red button, the quilt cloud out, cover is light and soft; The yellow button has a brisk music, which makes it pleasant to fall asleep. Another is the blue button, which brings up the roof to see the beautiful night sky and let me forget all the trouble.

  My room is a function of the best is to take me to fly to any place, I pressed the button the room like a rocket fly up, it took me fly out of the earth where I dreamed to think of the moon landing. I can look for traces of the goddess of the moon sister, yutu, but my favorite thing in the room watching the earth, the earth is a blue ocean, it is a covered with a layer of white veil, see the beautiful scenery, I can't help but praise: how beautiful planet, my lovely home.

  I hope my imaginary room will come to me soon.

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